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  1. Chair and Co-chair

Chair: The American University in Cairo

Co-chair: BSU

  • Role

The sustainability of the Center of Excellence for Water and its partnerships beyond the 5 years duration of the project is a pivotal objective of the center. The ultimate goal is a smooth transition from USAID funding and U.S. University leadership to a multi-decade Center of Excellence for Water with diverse public and private sector Egyptian funding and Egyptian leadership.

  • Activities

The activities of the Sustainability pillar include:

  • Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
  • Revenue generation, which include fees from the professional certification programs, consultancy services for public and private sectors, applied research services, and revenues from entrepreneurship and commercialization of the created intellectual property
  • Creation of the Center of Excellence for Water Network of Networks and Global Alliances (COE-NONGA)
  • Partnering with the USAID funded Employability and Career Development Center (ECDC) and the University Centers for Career Development (UCCD) at the five Egyptian Partners Universities (EPUs) will help ensure that the design of the curriculum and exchange and training programs meet the needs of the industrial partners that work closely with ECDC and UCCD.
  • The Center of Excellence for Water website and dissemination channels which includes leaflets, scientific publications, monthly newsletters and promotional videos

  • Serving the Community and Egypt

The sustainability pillar is designed to provide services to the Egyptian Community through the following channels:

  • Consultancy services to the Egyptian public and private community
  • Provide a high-quality professional certificate in the field of water sciences and engineering
  • Acting as a hub for applied water research services
  • Creating a dynamic database containing Egyptian Water Experts, a recent production of scientific publications and national strategies, plans and reports
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